8 Cool Features In Your Postgres Database

6 min read

PostgreSQL is a powerful open-source database management system that has been gaining popularity among developers and businesses alike. It is known for its stability, reliability, and extensibility, which make it a top choice for handling large-scale data and complex queries. In addition, PostgreSQL provides a wide range of features and functions that can be used to perform cool tricks that can help you optimize your database operations and enhance your application performance. In this article, we will explore some of the most useful PostgreSQL tricks that you can use to improve your database experience.


Partitioning is a technique that allows you to split large tables into smaller ones based on specified criteria. This can help improve query performance, reduce disk space usage, and increase scalability. PostgreSQL provides various types of partitioning, including range, list, and hash partitioning.

For example, suppose you have a large table of sales data that you want to partition based on the year. You can create a range partitioning by defining a range of values for each partition, such as sales from 2010 to 2015, 2016 to 2020, and so on. This way, you can easily retrieve data for a specific year without having to scan the entire table.


Indexing is a technique that creates a data structure that allows for faster data retrieval. PostgreSQL supports different types of indexes, such as B-tree, Hash, GiST, GIN, and SP-GiST. The most common type of index is the B-tree index, which is used for range queries.

To create an index in PostgreSQL, you can use the CREATE INDEX command, followed by the name of the index and the table and column to be indexed. For example, to create a B-tree index for a table called “sales” on the column “customer_id”, you can use the following command:

CREATE INDEX sales_customer_id_idx ON sales (customer_id);

Full-text search

PostgreSQL provides a powerful full-text search engine that can be used to perform complex text searches on large datasets. The full-text search feature supports stemming, ranking, and phrase searching, which makes it an ideal choice for applications that require text-based searching.

To enable full-text search in PostgreSQL, you need to install the pg_trgm extension, which provides support for trigram-based text search. Once installed, you can use the tsvector and tsquery data types to perform full-text searches.

For example, to search for all rows in a table called "articles" that contain the word "database," you can use the following query:

SELECT * FROM articles WHERE to_tsvector('english', body) @@ to_tsquery('english', 'database');

JSONB data type

PostgreSQL supports the JSONB data type, which allows you to store and query JSON data. The JSONB data type provides several advantages over the traditional relational database model, such as the ability to store flexible and dynamic data structures and the ability to query nested JSON objects.

To use the JSONB data type in PostgreSQL, you can create a column with the JSONB data type and insert JSON data into it using the JSONB data type syntax.

For example, to create a table with a JSONB column and insert JSON data into it, you can use the following commands:

INSERT INTO products (data) VALUES ('{
    "name": "Product 1", "price": 10.99, "category": "electronics"

Parallel queries

PostgreSQL supports parallel queries, which allow you to execute queries in parallel across multiple CPUs. This can help improve query performance and reduce query execution time.

To enable parallel queries in PostgreSQL, you need to set the max_parallel_workers parameter to a value greater than 0. This parameter controls the maximum number of parallel workers that can be used for a single query.

For example, to enable parallel queries with a maximum of 4 workers, you can use the following command:

SET max_parallel_workers = 4;

Once enabled, PostgreSQL will automatically determine which queries can benefit from parallel execution and use the available parallel workers to execute them.

Common table expressions

Common table expressions (CTEs) are a powerful feature in PostgreSQL that allows you to define a temporary named result set that can be referenced within a single query. CTEs can simplify complex queries by breaking them down into smaller, more manageable pieces.

To create a CTE in PostgreSQL, you can use the WITH clause, followed by the name of the CTE and the SELECT statement that defines it.

For example, suppose you have a table of employees with columns for their name, department, and salary. You can use a CTE to calculate the average salary for each department and then join it back to the original table to get the employees' salaries relative to their department's average.

WITH department_avg AS (
    SELECT department, AVG(salary) AS avg_salary
        FROM employees
        GROUP BY department
    ) SELECT employees.name, employees.salary, department_avg.avg_salary
        FROM employees
    INNER JOIN department_avg ON employees.department = department_avg.department;

Materialized views

Materialized views are precomputed views that store the results of a query in a table. Materialized views can help improve query performance by reducing the time required to execute complex queries.

To create a materialized view in PostgreSQL, you can use the CREATE MATERIALIZED VIEW command, followed by the view name and the SELECT statement that defines the view.

For example, to create a materialized view that calculates the total sales for each year in a table called "sales," you can use the following command:

        extract(year FROM date) AS year,
        sum(amount) AS total_sales
    FROM sales
        GROUP BY year;

Window functions

Window functions are a powerful feature in PostgreSQL that allow you to perform calculations across a set of rows that are related to the current row. This functions can help simplify complex queries and perform calculations that are difficult to perform with standard SQL queries.

To use window functions in PostgreSQL, you can use the OVER clause, followed by the window specification that defines the window function.

For example, to calculate the average sales for each year in a table called "sales," you can use the following query:

    extract(year FROM date) AS year,
    sum(amount) OVER (PARTITION BY extract(year FROM date)) / count(*) OVER (PARTITION BY extract(year FROM date)) AS avg_sales
FROM sales;

In conclusion, PostgreSQL provides a wealth of features and functions that can be used to perform cool tricks and optimize your database operations. The tricks discussed in this article, including partitioning, indexing, full-text search, JSONB data type, parallel queries, common table expressions, materialized views, and window functions, are just a few examples of the many cool tricks that you can perform with PostgreSQL. By leveraging the power of PostgreSQL, you can enhance your application performance, improve query speed, and simplify complex data operations.